This is a powerful feature of Simulation Wizard, providing users with the ability to produce Simulations that are either 'linked' or 'not linked' to an audit.
Simulations linked to an audit:
Simulations that are linked to an audit associates the Simulation types 'RED' line (discussed elsewhere) with the equipment audited, the associated compressor tables, equipment pressure settings (where configured), the installed pressure cascade, system shutdown hours and site energy tariff (configured from within Audit Wizard) and establishes existing specific efficiency, annual equipment utilisation (Annual Simulation sub tab only), Output (Time span Simulation sub tab only) and Pressure (Time span Simulation sub tab only)
Simulations that are not linked to an audit:
Simulations that are not linked to an audit are completely hypothetical Simulations. That is; both the equipment on the RED line and the equipment on the BLUE line as well as utilisation data etc. is completely hypothetical.
Simulation Wizard still establishes a RED line specific efficiency, annual equipment utilisation (Annual Simulation sub tab only), Output (Time span Simulation sub tab only) and Pressure (Time span Simulation sub tab only), however the information is completely hypothetical rather than audited.
Simulation that are not linked to an audit are restricted to certain Simulation types... For example users cannot perform a 'demand side calculated flow' simulation. Why not? Because there's no 'system volume' or 'system pressure' data it's not possible to perform this Simulation type.
The benefits of SImulations that are not linked to an audit is discussed here... CLICK HERE