How to use USB option of Base Station V2

How to use USB option of Base Station V2

. Create a new audit configuration in Audit Wizard.
Please read how to start a new audit on WWW.SCADAR.NET article if you don’t know how to do it.

2. Click on 'cloud to base' step. Click DOWNLOAD CONFIG on the right. 

A config.bin file will be download into your computer. Make sure the name of the file is exactly as "config.bin". 

If you've downloaded a config.bin file before (for this audit or another audit), and that file is still kept in your computer, you will get config(1).bin, config(2).bin, etc.. 

It will not work if you copy config(1).bin to the base station. The name must be config.bin.

After you download the config.bin file, the first step 'cloud to base' will turn green. 

The forth step 'base to cloud' will turn red. However, don't worry about 'base to cloud' right now because you don't have any data to transfer back to the cloud. You only need to do 'base to cloud' after 1 or 2 weeks installation. 

3. Connect the BS to your computer using a USB cable. Your computer will see the BS as a mass storage device. Your BS should NOT be connected to the Internet through an Ethernet cable.

Locate the Base Station folder. Cut and paste config.bin file into the Base Station folder. 

Disconnect the USB cable and power cycle the base station. (You must disconnect the USB cable before proceeding to the next step)

4. On your base station, perform 'cloud to base' step. Make sure you have a green check mark on 'cloud to base' on your base station. 

5. On your base station, do 'base to logger'. 

Click the Bluetooth button of the loggers. Make sure you have a green check mark on 'base to logger' on your base station. 

6. Your loggers are ready for installation. Please log within 16 days (counting from 'base to logger' step to 'logger to base' step). 

If you log too long (e.g. 1 month), you may have issue transferring data back to the cloud or issue opening graphs. 

7. Uninstall the loggers. Bring them back to your office. 

8. On your base station, perform 'logger to base'. Make sure you have a green check mark on 'logger to base' step on your base station. 

Do NOT confuse 'logger to base' with 'base to logger'. If you redo 'base to logger', the loggers will be reset, and you will loose all data. 

9. On your base station, complete 'base to cloud' step. Your base station should not be connected to your computer through a USB cable during this step. 

10. Now connect your base to the computer using the USB cable. Your BS should NOT be connected to the Internet through an Ethernet cable. 

Locate the Base Station folder. There is PACKAGE.BIN file inside that folder. 

11. On the cloud, click on 'base to cloud' step. Click on 'upload package' on the right hand side. 

Upload the PACKAGE.BIN file to the cloud. After that, you should see 'base to cloud' turn green in Audit Wizard. 

12. The software will automatically synchronize audit and data. If not, simply click RE_SYNC.