How to save Graphs or Charts and add them to a report in Publish Wizard

How to save Graphs or Charts and add them to a report in Publish Wizard

Savings a Graph or a Chart:

You can save a single Graph or Chart or 'all' open charts and Graphs!

  • To save a single Graph or Chart use the 'save' button to the right of the individual Graph or Chart container
    • The save button to the right of the individual container has additional features
      • You can rename the Graph or Chart filename
      • You can save the single Graph or Chart to your SCADAR.NET folder
      • You can download the single image to your local device (e.g. PC)
  • To save 'all' open Graphs or Charts use the 'multi-image' button located on the toolbar at the top of the page!
    • The 'multi-image' button located on the toolbar at the top of the page will save all open Graphs or Charts to your SCADAR.NET folder!

Saving a single Graph or Chart (Chart used in this example!):

Click the respective save button and either retain the file name offered or change as required (here we have re-named the Chart filename to 'Save chart to SCADAR.NET).  


  • We're going to save the Graph or Chart to your personal folder on SCADAR.NET!
  • The Graph or Chart will appear in an audit sub-folder
  • If you rename the Graph or Chart filename they will be easier to find later!

Use the 'Save to audit' button to save the image.  A successful save is acknowledged...

Saving all Graphs or Charts (2 Graphs used in this example):

Click the respective save button and when prompted click 'OK' (shown below):

A successful save is acknowledged...

Now save all the Graphs & Charts required prior to navigating to Publish Wizard!

Go to Publish Wizard and start a new Report by selecting a template (here we have selected BLANK), the respective Audit (this will be the same audit name as used when you saved the Graphs or Charts in the respective Wizard...

Run the Wizard by pressing the wand...

Now use the toolbar 'image' button to navigate to the respective Graph or Chart image saved earlier...

The Image properties box has many features (discussed elsewhere).  Use the 'Browse server button to locate the Chart or Graph image saved earlier...

Locate your image from within the folder hierarchy (Observe that individual folders exist for Graphs and Charts)...

Note: You can see a thumbnail for the Chart we saved earlier and its name 'Save Chart to SCADAR.NET...

Double click the thumbnail will return you to the 'Image properties' popup (Observe that the image URL and image size are now shown)...

Note: You can change the image size here or you can change it afterwards!

Click OK to insert the image into the template...

Click OK

Use the above method to insert Charts & Graphs into any template

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