How to export data to Excel?

How to export data to Excel?

Go to the User Info page by clicking the icon next to your name in the top right hand side of the screen.

On this page choose Audit Management (magnifying glass icon) and select the audit that you want to export data. Click on Export Audit Data as shown below. 

You can change the file name and sample resolution. One second is the minimum for sample resolution since loggers have 1 second sample rate. 

We suggest to select only one or two data types from the screen below each time you want to download. Selecting multiple data types may take a long time to assemble into a .zip file. 

Click Download. 

Exporting data to Excel feature is only available for Consultant. Differences between Consultant and Auditor are listed in this article. 

Here is instruction on how to pay subscription fee and become Consultant. 

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