How can I share an audit with another SCADAR user?

How can I share an audit with another SCADAR user?

Step 1:  Go to the 'USER ADMIN' menu and then select 'AUDIT MANAGEMENT'

Audits are listed to the left and detail information about any selected audit is listed on the right.  A variety of action icons are contained in the toolbar above the audit detail view...

Step 2:Use your pointing device to select an audit from the left list

Step 3: Press the 'Share Audit' action icon to 'share the audit' with another SCADAR user...

The area beneath will change to reveal the following view...

In the 'shared with' text box, enter the user email address of the SCADAR.NET user you wish to share the audit with (Note this must correspond with the email address of the SCADAR.NET user account!).  In the Access 'pick list' decide whether you want the SCADAR user to have VIEW or VIEW & EDIT rights for the audit being shared.  Use the email body area to add any information you would like to add in the email.

When ready, use the 'SHARE & SEND' action button at the bottom of the page.

The audit is now SHARED and an email has been sent from the SCADAR.NET server to the email address of the SCADAR.NET user informing them that the shared audit is available for VIEW or VIEW & EDIT.


  • The use of the 'shared' status icons in lists displayed across the SCADAR.NET website
  • The info box will guide you when entering a SCADAR.NET users email address correctly
  • Use the status 'pick list' to observe SHARED status and to manage sharing rights (grey / no select is the pre-shared state)
  • Change status as necessary and use the SHARE & SEND button to execute any change

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