Can I edit Global compressor tables?

Can I edit Global compressor tables?

Global compressor tables are published by site administrators only.

Regular users can edit global compressor tables but when they do they must be saved as a 'PRIVATE' compressor table...

Lets assume we're in Audit Wizard and we want to change the contents of a global compressor table and then associate the edited table with a logger.  To do so, we'd be in Audit Wizard 'configure base station & data loggers' and we'd be using the 'Select a compressor table' filter...

All the compressor tables with the multiple head icons are 'Global'.  Lets go ahead and pick No 25, the 'Atlas GA 180VSD' by clicking the open folder icon...

Now lets use the 'EDIT' button (middle button of the 'Provide compressor ID and select compressor table section) to edit the compressor table...

Lets suppose we want to change the off load power factor to 0.5, we can edit the field as shown below...

Next, continue to the check mark where you save changes...

Observe the message indicating that you must save the edited global compressor table!  SCADAR.NET will generate a new name for the table which you can change as required.  When ready, click 'SAVE AS' and you will be returned to the 'Select and configure logger window...

Observe that you are now working with a 'PRIVATE' copy with edits of the original global table!